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Terms of Use and Contract

Last updated: June 21, 2020


The Terms you will find below are important Because: They establish their legal rignts in AHMEDDEHENA.COM

Explain the rights you grant us when you use AHMEDDEHENA.COM


They describe the rules that everyone must respect when using AHMEDDEHENA.COM


Please read these Terms carefully, as well as our Privacy Policy and any other documents mentioned in these Terms. Let's get started...




The website , the "Website") is owned by the company, the "AHMEDDEHENA.COM"), A company incorporated in accordance with Egyptian and Saudi Arabian legislation with address at Al-Mahalla al-Kubra,  Al-Mahalah Al Kubra (Part 2), El Mahalla El Kubra, Egypt - Alexandria, Egypt -  Abha, Saudi Arabia.

AHMEDDEHENA.COM puts the Website at your disposal so that you can get to know us better, know the services we provide and if you wish, you can contact and ,where appropriate, contract with us.



These conditions of use constitute, together with the  privacy policy                          and the cookies policy , the legal framework that regulates the use of the website   , These conditions of use will be available to you on the website in English so that you can consult, archive or print them at any time and whenever you want.

To know any question regarding the treatment carried out by AHMEDDEHENA.COM. of your personal data, please visit our Privacy Policy and our Cookies Policy. Both policies will also be available to you in English so that you can consult, archive or print them at any time.

AHMEDDEHENA.COM uses third-party cookies on the Website. To find out more about the type of cookies used on the web , their purpose and how to configure your browser in case you do not want us to use these cookies,

please visit our cookies policy .




Both these conditions of use. as well as the privacy policy and the cookies policy have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of current applicable regulations, among others, the Law ,on Services of the Information  Society and Electronic Commerce and Regulations, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personnel data and the free circulations of these data and by which directive is repealed .




Access to the Website is free except for the part related to the cost of the connection through the telecommunications network provided by the Internet access provider that you have contracted. You can freely browse the Website and access it as many times as you want. To access and navigate the Website, you do not need to register. except if you want to hire a service.

The use of the website gives you the condition of user of the website (hereinafter, the "User") and implies your full and unreserved acceptance of these conditions of use, as well as the privacy policy and the cookies policy of the Website. Furthermore, you agree not to use the Service for illegal purposes.

By accessing the Website and browsing it, you declare under your responsibility that you are of legal age and that you have the necessary legal capacity to access the Website and use it, also declaring that you fully understand and accept these conditions of use without reservation.

On the other hand. we inform you that for legal reasons we archive the electronic documents in which the purchases are formalized. You can access these documents at any time by requesting it at:




The User agrees to use the Website in accordance with these conditions of use. current legislation and good faith. Thus. the User will respond to AHMEDDEHENA.COM. and before any third party for the damages and losses derived from the use contrary to these conditions. the legislation and the good faith made by the User of the Website.



Through the Service, AHMEDDEHENA.COM allows the subscription to the service to carry out the creation of SMART QR-RFID CARDS  and OTHER SERVICES . The language in which the contract between AHMEDDEHENA.COM and the buyer will be concluded will be that of the country of ORIGIN.





The purchase process in the online service will be as follows:


You must register on the website with a username and password.


At the time of the registration the service will begin with the test plan provided for a period of 7 days. Once this period has elapsed. the account will be limited and you must subscribe to one of our plans . After the purchase of the service, the user will have an administration panel where they will find:

  1. A section with the list of all SMART QR-RFID CARDS  created with the option of being able to edit. delete, or check the details.


  1. A section of Plans and payments to consult the invoices and cancel the subscription.


  1. Booking section with the variety of services and plans .


  1. A section of My Account to be able to change account preferences.


Once the purchase of the service has been made, it will be confirmed by sending an email, within a maximum period of 24 hours. to the address you have indicated. It will indicate the service, how to cancel the subscription, its amount, applicable taxes. the  form of payment and the applicable terms and conditions.


5) Subscription


The service subscription varies depending on the selected plan and will be automatically renewed for the same period of time until its termination. Unless you cancel your subscription, you authorize us to load the corresponding annual subscription fee in your payment method.

You can cancel your subscription to the Service at any time. and you will continue to have access to it until the end of your annual billing period. To the extent permitted by law, payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for partial annual subscription periods.









The prices of the products offered on AHMEDDEHENA.COM are indicated in Saudi Ryal (SAR)  the Value Added Tax (VAT) in force at the time of purchase is levied on the price of the products.

In any case, the operation could be exempt or not subject to VAT depending on your country of residence or the condition in which you act. For this reason, in some cases the final price of the order may Be altered with respect to the one shown.

Purchases made by subjects exempt from VAT payment will indicate this by sending their VAT/NIF number by email to  , not recording purchases with said tax.




Online payment of the purchased service can be made by PayPal .

In this sense, AHMEDDEHENA.COM informs PayPal holders that transactions in the online store are carried out through a secure payment gateway. using SSL technology to guarantee the security of data transmission.




  1. Right of withdrawal


Given the type of product marketed in our online service, software in digital format of SMART QR-RFID CARDS , the right of withdrawal will not be applicable by the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws is approved.


  1. Refunds


Regardless of the plan chosen by the user, the amounts paid By the user and to the extent permitted by law will not be



The contracted service may not be assigned or transferred to other users of the Service.

In any case, the user may make use of the contracted service until the end of the contracted period.









The services offered in the Service, and their prices, will Be available for purchase while they are in the catalog of services displayed through this website.

In any case, AHMEDDEHENA.COM reserves the right to make the modifications it deems appropriate in the Service, being Able to      update products and services depending on the market.

AHMEDDEHENA.COM reserves the right to change prices without prior notice.

We inform you that despite the updates that are made to the prices of the Service, they could contain errors. We will promptly correct any errors that appear. but they will not be binding on the Service.





As indicated above, the entire purchase procedure, as well as the transmission of your personal data and payment systems, is carried out on a secure page and in an encrypted way through the SSL protocol.

We guarantee the security of the Service in accordance with current technological knowledge. However, AHMEDDEHENA.COM cannot guarantee the full future security of the Service. In any case, we do promise to correct and implement the appropriate corrective measures to correct a possible security breach as soon as possible.

You agree to notify AHMEDDEHENA.COM. immediately and via email of any situation that could lead to the      impersonation of a user's identity.





We may update the terms and conditions of the Service in the future, as well as the features and functions of the Service itself.

We will inform you of the changes in terms and conditions by placing a notice in a prominent place on our website and/or by email.

If any clause included in these terms and conditions is declared, totally or partially. null or ineffective, it will only affect said provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective. The terms and conditions will subsist in everything else, having such provision, or the part of it that is affected, by not being placed.










As far as possible, this Service is governed by Egyptian and Saudi Arabian  laws.

In order to simplify the resolution of claims through civil proceedings and reduce costs. we do not exclude the possibility of submitting ourselves to an Equity Arbitration of the Court of Arbitration of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

In this sense, and according to the applicable regulations, AHMEDDEHENA.COM informs of the existence of an Egyptian online dispute resolution platform that facilitates the out-of-court resolution of such disputes for contracts also concluded online between consumers and Internet service providers. This platform can Be accessed through the following website:



The Website and its contents are subject to protection in application of current national regulations on Intellectual and/or Industrial Property, as well as in application of the international conventions applicable in such matters. AHMEDDEHENA.COM is the owner or has duly licensed all the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights on the Website and its contents.

Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available and, in general, any other act of exploitation whether or not for commercial purposes of the Website or its contents, without the prior express consent of AHMEDDEHENA.COM. It is expressly forbidden to erase the identifying data of AHMEDDEHENA.COM as the owner of the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of the Website or its contents.

AHMEDDEHENA.COM reserves all Intellectual and Industrial Property rights over the Website and its contents, also reserving the exercise of any legal actions that correspond to it in order to cease, prevent or prosecute any illicit use of the Website or its contents. In no case and under no circumstances does access to the Website or its use by the User or third parties constitute or imply an assignment of any kind by AHMEDDEHENA.COM of the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights of the Website or its contents. In no case the lack of requirement by AHMEDDEHENA.COM to cease use of the Website or its illegal or content contrary to these conditions may be understood as tacit consent by AHMEDDEHENA.COM to such uses or as a waiver of the exercise of any legal action that may correspond to it.







The User must use the Website and its contents in accordance with the provisions of these conditions of use. current legislation and good faith. Any use of the website or its contents contrary to these general conditions, the law or good faith is expressly prohibited, regardless of whether said use has an economic purpose or not.

The User will be responsible for any damage or harm caused to AHMEDDEHENA.COM or to third parties derived directly or indirectly from any use that the User makes of the Website or its contents contrary to these conditions, the law, morality, public order or good faith.

For the Website and its contents to be accessible to the User, AHMEDDEHENA.COM requires services provided by third parties. It is possible that despite the efforts made Dy AHMEDDEHENA.COM to keep the Website available and accessible to users. its availability may be suspended, interrupted or canceled for reasons beyond AHMEDDEHENA.COM. That is why AHMEDDEHENA.COM does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the Website or its contents. nor that they are updated or always displayed in their latest version. Consequently, AHMEDDEHENA.COM declines any responsibility for damages that may be derived to the User or third parties as a result of the suspension. interruption. lack of continuity, network outage or disconnection of the Website.

In no case and under no circumstances will AHMEDDEHENA.COM be liable for damages or losses derived to the user from causes not  attributable to AHMEDDEHENA.COM such as, by way of example and in no case limiting, natural disasters. situations of force majeure    or extreme urgency, viruses, harmful components. browser malfunctions, network drops, computer intrusions or third-party attacks.

  1. LINKS

The websites, platforms, forums, chats. blogs or external social networks that link or line to the Website must clearly inform that they do not have the authorization or supervision of AHMEDDEHENA.COM and that said linking or line does not entail, suppose or imply association of any kind between AHMEDDEHENA.COM and the websites, platforms, forums. chats, blogs or external social networks that link or line to the Website.

In any case, any link that is destined for the Website must be directed directly to the home page or home page of the Website by clicking on the URL of the website covering the entire screen of the home page or page of start of the Website. so that the link is absolute and complete without the use of frames, frames or hyperlinks.

AHMEDDEHENA.COM does not respond in any case and under any circumstances to the content, information or data related to the  website, its content or any other matter


contained in the websites, platforms, forums, chats. blogs or third-party social networks that link or line to the Website.

It is expressly forbidden to link or link to the Website from websites, platforms. forums, chats, blogs or social networks contrary to the law, morals and good customs, especially those with pornographic. illicit, illegal or infringing human rights content.

On the other hand. the Website may contain links to third party websites, platforms, forums, chats. blogs or social networks. AHMEDDEHENA.COM does not have the human and/or technical means to know or control the information and content that appear on third-party websites. Therefore, in no case will AHMEDDEHENA.COM be responsible for the content of the linked sites and under no circumstances may said links be considered effective knowledge of the content of the sites to which they link.





As established in its Privacy Policy, AHMEDDEHENA.COM undertakes to use User data, to respect its confidentiality and to use it in accordance with the purpose of the treatment, as well as to comply with its obligation to save it. and adapt all measures to avoid alteration. loss, treatment or unauthorized access in accordance with the provisions of current legislation regarding the protection of personal data.

The Website incorporates appropriate safeguards and uses industry standard technology to improve the security, integrity, completeness, accuracy and protection of the personal data it has collected. and has established reasonable precautions to protect that information from possible loss or misuse. Its rules on data protection and security are periodically reviewed and improved when necessary. and it strives to ensure that only authorized persons can access the information provided by the User.

To learn more about the management and treatment carried out by AHMEDDEHENA.COM of your data, please read our privacy policy and our cookies policy




These conditions of use will be in force for as long as they are exposed to users. so that as soon as they are totally or partially modified or updated. these conditions will cease to be in force, being the new conditions of use those that go on to regulate the use of the Website.

AHMEDDEHENA.COM reserves the right to review, modify or update these conditions of use


at any time. In the event of any change in these conditions of use for any reason, AHMEDDEHENA.COM will notify users on the home page of the web about said circumstance so that they are duly informed and can consult the revisions, modifications or updates of the present conditions of use to your satisfaction.





In no case and under no circumstances may the lack of exercise of your rights by AHMEDDEHENA.COM be understood as a waiver of them.

The readings contained in these conditions are merely indicative or informative, so that they do not affect, qualify or expand the interpretation thereof.

In the event that any of the clauses contained in these conditions were declared null, abusive or unenforceable, totally or partially, by a judicial or administrative body, said declaration will individually affect the clause in question, taking it as not and without the declaration of nullity, abuse or inapplicability being extended under any circumstances to the rest of the conditions, which will subsist.

These conditions of use, as well as the privacy policy and the cookies policy are governed by current Egyptian and Saudi Arabian      


Regulations at all times.






For any clarification, incident or claim. you can contact us through: E-mail:

Postal address: Saudi Arabia, Abha , Shamsan , Alsamer district 62523

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